Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory


Equipped with a Fixed Cath lab with flat panel for high quality imaging, stent booster. All coronary angiograms, angioplasties and pacing and other invasive procedure are done using this lab. The state of the blood vessels and the chambers of the heart can be visualized. Cardiac catheterization laboratory is used for passing a catheter or pacing wire into the heart. With this we can perform angiograms to locate blocks in the arteries going to the heart. We can do coronary angioplasties by placing stents inside the blocks and removing them. Angioplasty can be done on stable patients as well as those with a heart attack in an emergency setting (primary angioplasty) as the first line of management. High quality Fixed flat panel cath lab enables all of this.

Echocardiography with 2D Color Doppler

We have Philips and GE echocardiography machines for dedicated work and a mobile Philips echo machine in the ICU for imaging emergency cases. Echocardiography shows us the anatomy and function of the heart.

Computerized ECG Recorders


We have four computerized ECG machines including GE machine with patient data backup for 3 years. ECG can detect heart beat irregularities and reduction in blood flow (eg Heart attack).

Lab Autoanalyzer, Cell Counter, Electrolyte Analyzers

Lab Autoanalyzer, Cell Counter, Electrolyte Analyzers.

24hrs to 7days Holter Recorder


Used to detect regularity of heart beat during day and night. It is useful for studying palpitations or giddiness or syncope. Continuous ECG recording is done with a small machine attached to the body which continuously records ECG during your day-to-day activity. This helps register heart beat irregularities that may cause giddiness or fainting.

24hrs Ambulatory BP Recorder


Used to record BP throughout the day. Variations in BP during the day can be detected and treated to achieve good control.24hrs recording of Blood Pressure will show labile BP reverse BP responses, periodic variation in BP to enable perfect 24hrs BP control.

Computerized XRays


Computerized High quality Xrays with 300mA GE X-ray machine and a 100mA GE portable Xray unit.

Computerized Lab with Auto Analyzer

High quality laboratory with Auto analyser, Cell counter, Electrolyte analyser apart from the routine equipment. Internal QC (quality control) with Biorad and External QC with CMC Vellore – EQAS

9 bedded ICU / IMCU with 24x7 Monitoring by Cardiologists

9 bedded ICU / IMCU with 24x7 monitoring by Cardiologists

Point of Care Blood Analyzer


For immediate accurate results and quick diagnosis, the Abbott iStat analyzer is available for results within 10mins of placing the blood sample. This is especially helpful in emergency cases.

Computerized Patient Data and Prescriptions

Patient data, prescriptions and photographs are stored in computer/ servers for quick retrieval.

Cashless In-patient Treatment with most Insurance Companies


We have tied up with most insurance companies for cashless hospitalization.Cashless Insurance Facilities with most TPAs are available.

Pharmacy with All Cardiac Drugs


All cardiac drugs and emergency medicines are available 24 hrs.

Temporary Pacing

We have facilities for immediate pacing for patients with heart blocks, symptomatic slow heart rates, esp which occurs with a heart attack. The pacemaker is kept outside the body with pacing leads positioned in the ventricular chamber of the heart to pass electrical impulses to keep the heart beating

Heart Failure Clinic


Heart Failure is due to weakening of the heart which is not able to support physical activities and results in breathing difficulty. Special clinic is available for these patients with imaging facilities, diet, patient education and follow up records of treatment



Hypertension or high Blood Pressure is a common ailment. So we have special clinic for these patients with high quality care, BP records, patient education, prevention and treatment of complications .

Patient Education Services


Are our forte as we believe treatment is not just injections and pills but patient awareness of the nature of his disease, diet, follow up care and reassurance

Mental Health


As many patients have depression or affected mental health due to heart disease cardiac rehabilitation is not complete with mental counseling. Qualified mental health specialists are available bi-monthly.

Preventive Cardiology


SComplete heart checkup and advice regarding heart disease prevention is available as we believe that prevention is better than cure.

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